【日産 ノート】
左側 フロントフェンダー へこみ、キズ
左側 前後ドア へこみ、キズ
左側 リヤフェンダー へこみ、キズ
# Repairing(鈑金)of Nissan note
Left side of front fender, dent, scratch
Left side of door dent, scratches
Left side of rear fender dent, scratch


フロントバンパー 脱着と磨き
左側 フロントフェンダー リサイクルパーツ交換+磨き
左側 前後ドア リサイクルパーツ交換+磨き
左側 リヤフェンダー 鈑金(へこみを出し、やすりをかけ、パテで成形)、塗装
ヘッドライト マーカーランプ交換、内張張替え
[content of work]
# Front bumper reinsertion and polished
# Left side of front fender recycling parts exchange + Polished
# Left side door recycling parts exchange and polished
# Left side rear fender(make a dent, molding with putty),
exchange Headlight Marker Lamp and painting
[about the price]With using of recycling autoparts, headlight reinsertion, polishing charge, exchange parts of marker lamp, and other service also included with ¥1,60,000,whereas if you dealing with dealer, it costs around ¥4,00,000.
Our customer was very satisfied and happy with our hard work.
All credit goes to our pro mechanics of Kobac Tsunashima Branch.
We are always here for our customers. Kobac main target is satisfied our customers. If you need any consulting about repairing of small scratches to big dents, please feel free to contact us!
Have a good day!!!
Stay Safe!!!
Safe Drive!!!